
   Christian cemeteries
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   * - all existing gravestones
   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 84 * - today
Freidel Freydel Zamkewicz Zamkiewich Zamkewich Yamkiewich? jamkiewich?daughter of Yehoshue Zew
Freidel Freydel...
Chaim Icchok son of Moshe Kaplanski Kapłański
Chaim Icchok so...
Chaim Icchok son of Moshe Kaplanski Kapłański
Chaim Icchok so...
Chaim Icchok son of Moshe Kaplanski Kapłański
Chaim Icchok so...
Chaim Icchok son of Moshe Kaplanski Kapłański
Chaim Icchok so...

"Here lies a perfect and upright man, pious and God-fearing, our teacher the Rabbi Meir Eli son of Dov Tanchus Bonisz Banisz Banysz. He died in a good name 6 Iyar 5692 [12 May 1932]. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life" (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies a pe...
"Here lies a perfect and upright man, pious and God-fearing, our teacher the Rabbi Meir Eli son of Dov Tanchus Bonisz Banisz Banysz. He died in a good name 6 Iyar 5692 [12 May 1932]. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life" (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies a pe...
Sheia Shaiah? son of Abraham Icchok Gildberg Hurp
Sheia Shaiah? s...
Sheia Shaiah? son of Abraham Icchok Gildberg Hurp
Sheia Shaiah? s...
Yeshaya son of Abraham Icchok Goldberg Hurpzyon
Yeshaya son of ...
Yeshaya son of Abraham Icchok Goldberg Hurpzyon
Yeshaya son of ...
Sheia Shaiah? son of Abraham Icchok Gildberg Hurp
Sheia Shaiah? s...
Szenach Oks Aks
Szenach Oks Aks...