Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - XIX cent - today
Gdańsk - XIX cent

Today: Poland, in 1920 - 1939 Danzig. Pre 1914 Germany,
Date: 2008
Copyright: Aneta Cich
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Here lies You bloomed like a rose, Woe that you were plucked in your prime, the days of your youth are still thundering, you were collected too fast, you were the joy and the happiness of your parents and your relatives, they cannot cry and mourn for you, Feigel daughter of Rehamya Avraham [Abraham] died with a good reputation at the age of 26 years on Wednesday 4 Tamuz 5619 [6 July 1859] by the abbreviated era May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life Translated by Sara Mages (

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