Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - XIX cent - today
Gdańsk - XIX cent

Today: Poland, in 1920 - 1939 Danzig. Pre 1914 Germany,
Date: 2008
Copyright: Aneta Cich
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Here lies a man innocent and honest who earned his living from the labor of his hands all of his life and provided to his family with honor, bitter death took him all of a sudden, surely he is Reb Tzvi [Zvi,Zwi,Cwi] Hirsh [Hersh] son of Reb Haim [Chaim] of blessed memory, died on the holy Sabbath 16 of the month [Saturday 28 July 1866] and was buried on the next day 17 of the month of Menachem Av in the year 5626 by the abbreviated era Translated by (

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