Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - XIX cent - today
Gdańsk - XIX cent

Today: Poland, in 1920 - 1939 Danzig. Pre 1914 Germany,
Date: 2008
Copyright: Aneta Cich
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Here lies a God-fearing man who was charitable at all times and enjoyed the labor of his hands the honorable rabbi R’ Yechezkel son of R’ Yakov [Jacob] Prag died with a good reputation at the age of 72 years on Monday 19 Tishrei [13 October 1862] and was buried on Wednesday Hoshana Rabbah in the year 5623 like a glowing sky* by the abbreviated era May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life Translated by Sara Mages ( *The total value of the Hebrew letters in the phraseכזוהר הרקיע - like a glowing sky - is 623 for the year 5623

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