Jewish Cemeteries - £ód¼ - 02 right site from the main gate - today
£ód¼ - 02 right site from the main gate

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2009
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Yehudah Meir Zelcer Here lies. A hand ? ? ?Woe, we are all at a loss, a fire came out from the ? the spirit of ? suddenly overtook us, a man respected and praised for his studies, the Lord will avenge his blood swiftly, our teacher and rabbi Yehudah Meir son of Reb Dawid Shelomo of blessed memory died on the eve of the Holy Sabbath 20 Sivan 5665 [Friday 23 June 1905[ by the abbreviated era May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life Translated by Sara Mages (

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