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Died on the holy Sabbath on Yom Kippur 5555 as the abbreviated era
[4 October 1794] Here lies an educated man our teacher
and rabbi Yosef son of HaRav Avraham/Abraham…..
Died on the hol...
Died on the holy Sabbath on Yom Kippur 5555 as the abbreviated era
[4 October 1794] Here lies an educated man our teacher
and rabbi Yosef son of HaRav Avraham/Abraham
Died on the hol...
Widok ogólny
Widok ogólny...
Rachela, córka Chaima Frydlanda, zm. 1729
Tłumaczenie inskrypcji: M.Wodziński " Hebrajskie inskrypcje na ¦l±sku XIII-XVIII wieku". str.247
Rachela, córka ...
Rachela, córka Chaima Frydlanda, zm. 1729
Tłumaczenie inskrypcji: M.Wodziński "Hebrajskie inskrypcje na ¦l±sku XIII - XVIII wieku"
Rachela, córka ...
Widok ogólny
Widok ogólny...
Died on the Holy Sabbath 26 Sivan 5501 [10 June 1741] as the abbreviated era.
Died on the Hol...