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The gravestone of Yitzhak - Aizik Oriashovich in the Jewish cemetery of Siauliai.

Here lies. In the days of spring and life the skies darkened for us when
our beloved father was cut off. A man who was upright and honest to the end of his life,
enjoyed the labor of his hands and set time to read the books of holy and worthy,
our teacher and rabbi R’ Yitzchak [Icek] Aizik  son of Reb Tzvi [Zwi,Cwi] Majer [Meir] Oriashovich from Kra¾iai [Krozh in Yiddish], died on 2 of Iyar in the year 5691[19 April 1931].
Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
The gravestone ...