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   Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - XX cent ! * - today
Here lies

….. from a righteous stock…..in her ways
…..will be praised by the gates, God-fearing, honest and modest in
her ways, Ms. Haya daughter of  ? Zalman ? ? died 19 Sivan 5694[2 June 1934]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies &#...
An acrostic poem spelling the name Shaul 
Here lies
His good name will come……but happiness instead of life of sorrow,
a decent soul will climb to live under….surely he is Shaul
son of HaRav Yosef [Joseph] ….few and bad were the days of his life….
died 9 Tamuz 5680 [25 June 1920]  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
An acrostic poe...
Here lies the honorable rabbi R’ Alexander son of the R’ Eliakim
died 15 Sivan 5675 [28 May 1915].  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Translated by (smages@comcast.net
Here lies the h...