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Memorial plaque
Memorial plaque...




Brzozowski family
Brzozowski fami...

A man full of days, followed the righteous ways all his life and was highly praised by the society, out teacher and rabbi Tzvi [Zwi,Cwi] Yosef [Josef]
son of our teacher and rabbi Yakov [Jacob] died 23
Menachem Av in the year 5616 [24 August 1856]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.

Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net
A man full of d...
A man full of days, followed the righteous ways all his life and was highly praised by the society, out teacher and rabbi Tzvi [Zwi,Cwi] Yosef [Josef]
son of our teacher and rabbi Yakov [Jacob] died 23
Menachem Av in the year 5616 [24 August 1856]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.

Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net
A man full of d...
