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……son of R’ Benjamin/Benyamin of blessed memory
died with a good name and praise 4 days to the month of
Adar 5692

A tombstone for a man upright and honest, God-fearing,
the respected our teacher Asher....
A tombstone for...
Avraham  Yakov

A beloved honest man, was God-fearing all of
his days and turned from evil, the beloved glorious
 righteous ? for his glory and praise Avraham Yakov/Jacob son of Gedalia of blessed memory
Died with a good name on 18 Second Adar 5689
March 30,1929
Avraham Yakov ...
Abraham Jakov/Yakov  
son of Gedalia of blessed memory
Died with a good name on 18 Second Adar 5689
March 30,1929
Abraham Jakov/Y...
Avraham Yakov
Avraham Yakov...
Here lies a woman tender in years,
modest and great in her deeds, known for
her charity, a God-fearing woman of valor.....
Here lies a wom...
A gravestone for an old woman, modest
and beloved, Ms. Kreindl/Krejndel
Daughter of our teacher and rabbi David/Dawid of blessed memory
Died on the second day of Chanuka 5652
Decenber 27,1891
A gravestone fo...
Witness is this mound and witness is this
stone. A gravestone. Here lies a man upright
and honest, lived in simplicity Shmuel
Son of Zvi of blessed memory.
Died 1/11 aV 5673
August 14/24,1913
Witness is this...
Witness is this mound
and witness is this stone
a tombestone
Witness is this...
Daughter of Abraham /Abram z
Dvora/Dwojra D...
Daughter of Natan/Nute z
Mindel Daughte...
Mrs. Zelda Ruchl
Daughter of Mejer z
Mrs. Zelda Ruch...