Jewish Cemeteries - Ożarów - the memorial & general views - today
Ożarów - the memorial & general views

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2007
Photograph: Tomasz Wisniewski

Memorial. On plaques inscriptions in 4 languages: "Their blood has been spilled as water...and alas not buries" Psalms 79:3 In Sacred memory of the Jewish martyrs of Ozarow and surrounding communities who sanstified the holy name of the almighty in life and in death, and who tragically perished in the flames of the Holocaust. May their hallowed lives be for all generations to come, a beacon of light, strenght and inspiration. Dedicated Tishrei 5762 - Oct 2001

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