Jewish Cemeteries - Kamieniec Litewski - today
Kamieniec Litewski

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2008
Photograph: Tomasz Wisniewski

Miriam Rachel daughter of HaRav (Rebbai) Mosze Halewi May the memory of the righteous be of a blessing president of the court of the community of Kamieniec Goldsztejn Goldstein. "Here lies a modest woman, great in righteous and pious deeds, from a prominent ancestry, the married Miriam Rachel daughter of the Rabbi Mosze Halewi, a tzaddik of blessed memory, head of the Rabbinical Court of Kamieniec, wife of R. Yehiel of blessed memory, Goldstein. She died in a good name 18th Kislev 5670. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Note: HaRav means 'the Rabbi' BUT could also be polite title for Mr. (with higher respect) - we'd have to truly know a man to determine how the title should be used. In this case if he is the head of the rabbinical court, he is probably the Rabbi or Rebbai. Thanks to prof Heidi Szpek

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