Jewish Cemeteries - Pińczów - shabat - today
Pińczów - shabat

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 2006

The first shabat in Pinczow after WWII took part in small shtetl in Kielce region - Pinczow in days June 16 - 17. On Friday the Ahron HaKosdesh (holy ark housing the torah scrolls) will feel the warmth of a blanket of parochet for the first time in 63 years. The parochet will be drawn aside when the Ark is opened to receive the torah this Shabbat Behalotecha. We will sing: va'y'hee binsoah, va'yomer moshe." Amazing: its words are taken from this Parsha. Stand up o Israel. The main leader of this event was Michael Traison

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