Jewish Cemeteries - Pińczów - shabat - today
Pińczów - shabat

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 2006

> Present was a former Pinczow resident and his entire family now living in Brussels, a woman from Sweden whose father was from Pinczow and who escaped a transport from Pinczow to Auschwitz. One third of the Jews in Bialystok came (i.e., one woman.) Others came from Wroclaw and Warsaw and Krakow and Lodz and other places. There were two 21 year old Chabbad students, one from Florida and the other from Montreal, who are studying at the 2 year old Chabbad Chai center in Warsaw. Competition and threatening some feel, yet they were part of the group and the group embraced them. The Germans would have been disappointed that their ultimate goal of a judenrein world had failed and we were showing that failure in little shtetl Pinczow.

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