Jewish Cemeteries - Pińczów - shabat - today
Pińczów - shabat

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 2006

"So how was it?" I am asked and I struggle for a simple "linear" answer. I need a click of the shutter of my "word camera" to create a snapshot which won't require too much time getting a simple answer to a simple question. But the Pinczow Szabbat cannot be captured by an "aim and shoot" box camera. It must be seen from the perspective of small town leadership in a post-communist society which still struggles to rebuild itself even 61 years after the German people devastated the city and doomed it and the entire country to five decades of totalitarian backwardness. ... Michael Traison a creater of revitalization shabat in Pinczow

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