Jewish Cemeteries - Łomża - W±ska 2004 - today
Łomża - W±ska 2004

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Polan
Date: 2002
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Grave of Joel Yakov Bukbinder Here lies. The book of Psalms. Great was the crisis, to die and be here in this grave two days after the death of his daughter, the beloved young woman, in actual truth, his family members, the mother and the sons are dangerously ill in their beds, this is a calamity, the calamity of the fallen hover over the unfortunate, the murderers had the upper hand and spread poison with their ignorance, our teacher and rabbi Gidaliah Azriel son of Reb Yoel Yakov died 12 First Adar in the year 5673 May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.

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