Jewish Cemeteries - Berdyczów Berdicheff - pre 1945
Berdyczów Berdicheff

Today: Ukraine, Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 1942
Photograph: WH soldier
Copyright: Tomek Wiśniewski

Here lies a woman important and respected, died tender in years, Ms. Chana/Hana Grinwald/Greenwald daughter of Reb Avraham/Abraham of blessed memory died 19 Elul 5696 [6 September 1936] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life The broken candles tipped downwards are the symbol of death, of the light of life being extinguished. The drapery indicates sorrow and mourning. The prayer book on the left side under the broken candle symbolizes the woman's good deeds, and the tree trunk with the missing branches on the right side signifies someone who died young. translated by Sara Mages

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