Jewish Cemeteries - Wilno - pre 1945

Today: Lithuania, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 1916
Copyright: Tomek Wisniewski

On top -Here lies the father of the Rabbanim, the Geonim Rabbi Chaim and Rabbi Slomov Zalman of Volozhyn. Inside - Here lies and is buried a man who was marked by a good name better than fine perfume, here is the Torah scholar, the exceptional Rav, our Master and Teacher, the Rav Rabbi Isaac, son of our Master and Teacher, the Rav Rabbi Chaim of Volozhyn - the memory of the righteous will be a blessing - and went to Heaven with a good fame 12th Menachem-Av 540. May his soul be bound in the bundle of the living. Translated by (Avraham MALTHETE HIS NAME IS : Rabbi Itzchack* son of Chaim from Volozhin Wolożhin (name came from name of shtetl Wołożyn) (Ariel af" * Chaim, son of Shelomoh-Zalman, who was sent by the Gaon (he was close to him) to fight against Chassidism in Lithuania, from town to town. on his tombstone is mentionned that he was "mequbbal" (cabbalist) and a Maggid (preacher); he died 26 Shevat 555 (Sunday 15 February 1795). Shelomoh-Zalman, son of Chaim, father of the previous, was Maggid and "More Tsedeq" (spiritual guide) in Vilna until his death, Sunday 8 Tammuz 526 (= Sunday 15 June 1766). (Avraham MALTHETE

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