Jewish Cemeteries - Wilno - pre 1945

Date: 2009
Copyright: Tomek Wisniewski

THIS GRAVE IS LOCATED ON JEWISHCEMETERY IN ŁÓDŹ (LODZ) Here lies a woman tender and humble, died at the age of 36 years, a symbol of virtue and grace, Mrs. Masha/ Masza daughter of Reb Chaim/Haim of blessed memory, wife of Reb Moshe May his light shine Ajzenberg, granddaughter of the Gra [“Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu” from Vilna*] May the memory of the holy righteous be for a blessing died on Shemini Atzeret [“Eight day of Assembly” – 22 Tishrei] 5688 [18 October 1927] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life To the sorrowful hearts of her husband and her sons. Translated by ( *

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