
   Christian cemeteries
   Muslim cemeteries
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   ! - all graves translated!
   * - all existing gravestones
   Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - main ! * - today





Yosef [Joseph] son of ?  died in the year 5695
Yosef [Joseph] ...
Yosef [Joseph] son of ?  died in the year 5695
Yosef [Joseph] ...

Mose Guht
Mose Guht...



Here lies an honest righteous man who trusted
his creator, acted with righteousness all the days
of his life,  feared God…..was pleasant in his ways
…. Yosef …..died ?  Kislev ?  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies an ho...

