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Here lies the most honest man, God-fearing, our teacher and rabbi
Shmuel Aharon ritual slaughterer, son of R’ Zev HaCohen of blessed memory.
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. [The next section is an acrostic poem spelling the name Shmuel]. Woe what happened to us,  
we will engrave a stone in his memory …and it happened in the year 5675 to our count
we are sadden because Aharon died on Thursday on the second day
to the second month [Heshvan]…[22 November 1914]
Here lies the m...
Here lies a man upright...read the Torah to his sons
Mordechai Yehezkel...
Here lies a man...
Died 15 Kislev 5688 [9 Dec. 1927]
Siddur [a stone for a woman]
Died 15 Kislev ...
Here lies a modest woman...
Here lies a mod...
Here lies a modest woman...deeds, Chana...
Here lies a mod...
Here lies a man honest and upright who followed the righteous ways, his resting place will be in the heavens, R
Here lies a man...
Here lies a man honest and upright who followed the righteous ways, his resting place will be in the heavens...
Here lies a man...
...our teacher ? son of R
...our teacher ...
...son of R
...son of R' Ch...
...son of R
...son of R' Ch...

On 5 Second Adar 5676 [10 March 1916]  left a man upright and honest, a charitable man, a soldier, R
On 5 Second Ada...

Here lies an honest man...who followed the....
Here lies an ho...