Jewish Cemeteries - Karczew - today

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2008
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Leah daughter of Zwi Hirsz Hirsh Kurland wife of Markowicz Markowitz (Flanking the candlestick are the words & symbols for 'prayerbook' (right) and 'charity box' (left). "Here lies the elderly, modest and important, God-fearing woman, one who is upright in her deeds. Righteousness and loving kindness she pursues all her days. In the path of the upright she makes her sons walk. It is she, the married woman, Leah daugther of R. Tsvi (Cwi) Hirsch Hale[vi] Korlaner/ Korland, wife of the scholar our teacher [name not visible] Markowi[cz]. She died [date not visible]. May her soul be bond [in the bond of everlasting life]." translated by Heidi Szpek

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