Jewish Cemeteries - Wilno - pre 1945

Today: Lithuania, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 1916
Copyright: Tomek Wisniewski

"Here lies the eminent teacher and rabbi Yitzchak son-in-law of Rabbi Shaul Shiskes". Rabbi Shaul Shiskes, who died Rosh-Chodesh Nissan 557 (= Tuesday 28 March 1797 ). He was father of an unique son, Tsevi-Hirsh, who died 12 Sivan 531 (= Saturday 25 May 1771). His grave is the picture N° 19. I take these informations from 2 books in Hebrew : Kirya Ne'emana, by Shemuel-Yosef Finn, Romm, Vilna, 1860. Korot Beit Ha'Alamin HaYashan BeVilna/DI Geshikhte fun Vilner Alten Feld/Dzieje Cmentarza Zydowskiego w Wilnie, Vilna, 1935, in which there is a map of the cemetery with the places of the described tombs Added by Avraham MALTHETE Abram thanks!

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