
   Christian cemeteries
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   Jewish Cemeteries - Tarnów - photos taken by David - today
Samuel Birnbaum
Samuel Birnbaum...
Abraham Mosze Lusia Fortgang
Abraham Mosze L...
Neszka Jakubowicz
Neszka Jakubowi...
Liba Sheina
Liba Sheina...
Freida Kelber
Freida Kelber...
Grave of Kohl family
Grave of Kohl f...

Kupferman family
Kupferman famil...
Freida Kebler Kelber
Freida Kebler K...

MIla Rachel Predkie? Pretkie
MIla Rachel Pre...
MIchał Bergstein Gutter
MIchał Bergstei...

Perel daughter of Icchok Aizyk Cighaft Zughaft
Perel daughter ...
"Here rests an old woman, modest and upright, God-fearing, pure in her commandments, the married Ester Rebal/Reval daughter of our teacher Cwi Jehuda of blessed memory.  She died 5 Second Adar 5684 as the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Ester Rebal/Reval Zommer (in Hebrew); Ester Rebal(?) Somer."

Translated Heidi M. Szpek, PhD
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Dept. of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Central Washington University
Ellensburg, WA 98926
"Here rests an ...