Jewish Cemeteries - Suwałki - today

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 2005
Photograph: Tomek Wi¶niewski

TOP ROW - RIGHT TO LEFT - 1. …..shared her bread with the needy and helped the orphans our modest mother Mrs. Rieza daughter of ….. 2. …..son of Reb Mei[r] Tafali [Tapali] died on…. MIDDLE ROW - RIGHT TO LEFT - 1. Here lies our virgin daughter Tzvia daughter of Shalom Garnitz, was plucked at the prime of her life,12 Tamuz 5676 [13 July 1916].... 2. ….died at an old age with a good reputation ….a pure soul, a beloved woman, this stone is witness to the memory of our honest mother Sara Leah daughter of R’ Chaim Chaisil of blessed memory…. 3. A stone fragment for a woman. BOTTOM ROW RIGHT TO LEFT - 1. …..Morde[chai]….. son of Reb Yon? …..died with a good reputation… and buried on the ? day of the month of Tamuz 5654 [July/Aug. 1894]……. 2. A stone fragment for a woman. 3. A double stone - Here lies buried two men, friends and colleagues, who lived together with love, in their lives and in their death they were not divided. On the left - A respected God-fearing man, upright and honest, Avraham [Abraham] son of R’ Dawid [David] of blessed memory…. On the right - A respected God-fearing man, upright and honest, Fishel son of R’ Moshe of blessed memory….

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