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Died 22 Iyar 5689 [1 June 1929]
Died 22 Iyar 56...
[The upper part of the stone is broken off]….a man upright and honest who walked in the way of integrity, acted with righteousness and traded with trust, never went back on
his word, was humble and modest in his heart, an offspring of a
good and righteous ancestry, went early each morning and in the
evenings to pray, surely he is our teacher and rabbi Yehoshua Falik   
son of the late scholar our teacher and rabbi Eliyahu Shemuel Yosef
[Joseph] of blessed memory May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
[The upper part...
An acrostic poem spelling the name of the deceased Dvora [Dwora] ? 
 Here lies.
Our souls dripped with sorrow when a righteous
woman parted from us,  Woe our souls confess,
great is the sigh and the sorrow in our hearts, the day darkened for us,
may her soul be bound in the bond of life, surely she is a modest woman,
educated and important, elegant in her ways who was very accurate in her
deeds…….[the remainder is missing]      
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
An acrostic poe...

A stone fragment.

Death scooped a precious thing from us, our crown glory has fallen
from our heads, those who knew him well mourn him with a bitter soul,
the Lord collected a righteous and his soul will rest in the Garden of
Eden, supported the poor and was merciful to his Rabbis, from his
wealth….. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A stone fragmen...
[The upper part of the stone is missing] ….
a daughter of great righteous, opened her hands to the
poor, Ms. Hinda Malcha daughter of HaRav….
died ? Kislev……. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
[The upper part...
Died 2 Adar 5699 [21 February 1939]. A book. Here lies an honest respected man
Mr. Bezalel son of Reb Chaim Yehudah of blessed memory
Gritzman, was 56 years old. May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
Died 2 Adar 569...

Sara/Sure ...Schenhorn
Sara/Sure ...Sc...
...son of R
...son of R' Ch...
Here lies a man upright and honest who followed the righteous ways, his resting place will be in heaven….
Here lies a man...

11 Kislev 5658 by the abbreviated era [27 Nov. 1887]
11 Kislev 5658 ...