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   Jewish Cemeteries - Pruszków - today
Here lies.
Worshiped God with awe,
supervised and dealt with trust,
his many good deeds will be praised in the heavens,   
our teacher and rabbi Yisrael [Israel]
son of Reb Yitschak [Yitzchak, Icchok]
Kaufmann from Busk [Busko-Zdrój]
died at the age of 49 years
23 Adar ? [the remainder is below ground]
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies. Wor...
Here lies
the important young man
the honorable Mr. Yakov [Jacob]
son of Reb Yosef [Joseph]
died 4 Nisan 5696 [27 March 1936]
from the city of  Włodzimierz Wolynski [Volodymyr Volynskyy Ukraine] 
at the age of 2? years [the remainder is below ground]
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies the ...
The important young man tender in years 
who studied the Torah
day and night Eliezer Zev son of Yisrael [Israel] Shelomo of blessed memory
 [the remainder is illegible]
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
The important y...
CipaSzaremesser zm. śmiercią tragiczną d. 12 sierpnia 1937, żyła 27 lat

Here lies
the young woman Cipa daughter of Reb Nachman 
died 5 Elul  5697 [12 August 1937]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Nulek Kohn 1937 - 1939

The boy
Emanuel Nulek Kohn
son of Reb Effraim Fisher May his light shine
died 23 Tevet 5699 [14 January 1939]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Nulek Kohn 1937...
Here lies
a woman modest and old
Mrs. Chana Galda [Golda]
daughter of Reb Yehuda [Jeuda]  
wife of Reb  ?
died 24 Elul 5687 [21 September 1927]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies a wo...
Here lies
a woman modest and important  
Mrs. Beila
at the age of 83 years  
wife of Reb Yakov [Jacob]
died on Tuesday 24
to the month of Tevet 5684 [1 January 1924]
here in Pruszkow May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies a wo...
Here lies
for that I am crying,
for the passing of our modest mother
Mrs. Esteriva
daughter of Reb Zev ? 
died 2 Elul
in the year 5671 [26 August 1911]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies for ...
Here lies
for that I am crying,
for the passing of our modest mother
Mrs. Esteriva
daughter of Reb Zev ? 
died 2 Elul
in the year 5671 [26 August 1911]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies for ...
A modest woman
Mrs. Pesha Malcha
daughter of Reb Baruch
wife of Reb Leibish
died  2 Heshvan 5675 [22 Oct, 1914]
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
A modest woman ...
Here lies
a beloved man, was respected in his trade,
negotiated with trust and honesty all of his days,
Mr. Pinchas son of Reb Elimelech 
[the remainder is below ground]
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies a be...
Gitla Masza Rodzińska

Here lies
Gitla Masza Rodzinska
a modest and important
God-fearing woman honest in her ways,
Mrs. Gitla Masza
daughter of Reb Effraim wife of Reb Zudik
died 12 Tamuz  5693 [6 July 1933]   
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Gitla Masza Rod...
Gitla Masza Rodzińska

Here lies
Gitla Masza Rodzinska,
a modest and important
God-fearing woman honest in her ways
Mrs. Gitla Masza
daughter of Reb Effraim wife of Reb Zudik
died 12 Tamuz  5693 [6 July 1933]   
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Gitla Masza Rod...
Here lies
Ester Malcha
an important and generous woman
Mrs. Ester Malcha May she rest in peace
daughter of Reb Yeshaya Meir 
wife of Reb Gershon 
died on 2 Adar in the year 5696 by the abbreviated era  [25 Feb. 1936]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
Translated by Mages smages@comcast.net
Here lies Este...