
   Christian cemeteries
   Muslim cemeteries
   Colour reconstruction
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   * - all existing gravestones
   Jewish Cemeteries - Międzyrzec Podlaski - tombs pre 1939 * - today
Here lies an old man innocent and honest our teacher the rabbi
Moshe [Moses] son of Reb Yakov of blessed memory died
on the first day of the month of Iyar 5665 [6 May 1905]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies an ol...
27 II 1942
27 II 1942...
Here lies a God-fearing old man innocent and honest the late
our teacher and rabbi R’ Eliyahu son of the late
our teacher and rabbi Haim [Chaim]…..[the remainder
is missing]
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a God...
Here lies a God-fearing old man, innocent and honest, the righteous  
scholar from a prominent ancestry our teacher Yitschak [Icchok]  
Zelig son of Shelomo Tzvi [Zvi,Zwi,Cwi]  
of blessed memory died with a good name on 13 Menachem
Av 5660 [8 August 1900]
 May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a God...

……for a God-fearing old man, innocent and honest, who  
enjoyed the labor of his hands our teacher and rabbi Avraham [Abraham]
Zelig son of Reb Yekutiel HaCohen  
of blessed memory died 16 Elul in the year
5646 [16 September 1886] by the abbreviated era  
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)

A tombstone for a God-fearing man, innocent and honest,    
 the prominent scholar our teacher and rabbi Yitschak [Icchok]  
Binyamin son of our teacher and rabbi Aharon [Aaron]
of blessed memory died with a good name of Thursday 27
days to the month of Tishrei in the year 
5652 [29 October 1891] by the abbreviated era  
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A tombstone for...
…….died 15 Shevat 5691[2 February 1931] by the abbreviated era  
her righteous ways will speak for her and 
she will be a good advocate for her sons 
 May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)

Here lies a God-fearing
modest woman righteous
and honest Ms. Chana [Hana]
daughter of Yosef Meir.......
Here lies a God...
.......died 8 Shevat 5678 
[21 January 1918]
by the abbreviated era  
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
.......died 8 S...
Here lies the Rabbi prominent in the Torah, God-fearing
and ……..
Here lies the R...
…….may his soul be bound in the bond of life  
with the souls of the righteous in paradise
