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   Jewish Cemeteries - Sobienie Jeziory 2007 - today
A double stone.  On the right side –  A plant of delight…upright and honest, a praised
yeshiva student, all who knew him will carry in lamentation for him,
they will shout bitterly because he died in his youth, 
was loyal and God-fearing, a friend to the pious, the
prominent yeshiva student ? ? Gershon son of Yosef
[Josef] May his light shine, died with a good reputation 4
Adar [the remainder is obstructed by a tree trunk].

On the left side -  Here lies a man upright and honest,  
followed the ? path all of his life and studied under the
righteous, supported the needy with kindness,
held the hands of those who studied the
Torah with all of his might and performed good deeds,  
he is the pious scholar our teacher and rabbi Yakov
son of Reb Menachem… [the remainder is obstructed by 
a tree trunk]. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A double stone....
A stone fragment for a man - 
died on Wednesday 5 Av 5663 [29 July 1903]
by the abbreviated era 
in Otwock [Otvosk in Yiddish]
A stone fragmen...
My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of 
my beloved mother a God-fearing modest woman 
Mrs. Basha daughter of Avraham [Abraham] wife of Yosef [Joseph]
died 4 Shevat in the year 5696  [28 January 1936]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
My eye my eye r...
My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of 
  my beloved mother a God-fearing modest woman 
Mrs. Basha daughter of Avraham [Abraham] wife of Yosef [Joseph]
died 4 Shevat in the year 5696  [28 January 1936]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
My eye my eye r...
My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of 
my beloved mother a God-fearing modest woman 
Mrs. Basha daughter of Avraham [Abraham] wife of Yosef [Joseph]
died 4 Shevat in the year 5696 [28 January 1936]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
My eye my eye r...
A menorah marks the grave of a righteous woman.
Here lies
A menorah marks...
A double stone, the upper section is missing.

On the right side - My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of my beloved father,
a man upright and honest who feared God, our teacher
Shemuel Moshe [Moses] son of our teacher Zelig HaLevi died
23 Nisan in the year 5680  [11 April 1920]
by the abbreviated era.
On the left side - My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of
a man young in days, dealt with trust, our teacher Yehudah Zelig
son of Shemuel Moshe [Moses] HaLevi, died 4 Iyar in the year 5676
[7 May 1916] by the abbreviated era.

May their souls be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A double stone,...
A double stone, the upper section is missing.

On the right side - My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of my beloved father,
a man upright and honest who feared God, our teacher
Shemuel Moshe [Moses] son of our teacher Zelig HaLevi died
23 Nisan in the year 5680  [11 April 1920]
by the abbreviated era.
On the left side - My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of
a man young in days, dealt with trust, our teacher Yehudah Zelig
son of Shemuel Moshe [Moses] HaLevi, died 4 Iyar in the year 5676
[7 May 1916] by the abbreviated era.

May their souls be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
A double stone,...
Here lies a man upright and honest who followed the righteous
path all of his days, Meir son of Reb……
Here lies a man...
.....died on the first day of the month of Shevat 5668
[4 January 1908] by the abbreviated era 

May his/her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life
.....died on th...
My eye my eye runs down with water for the death of 
of my beloved mother a God-fearing modest woman 
Mrs. Basha daughter of Avraham [Abraham] wife of Yosef [Joseph]
died 4 Shevat in the year 5696 [28 January 1936]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
My eye my eye r...
Here lies a man old and full of days, our teacher and rabbi
Moshe [Moses] son of Gershon, died 15 days to the month of Elul
in the year 5661 [3o August 1901]
by the abbreviated era
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a man...
A man upright and honest, righteous….was engaged in charitable work and good deeds Yehoshua  Asher…..
A man upright a...
A woman beloved and important Mrs. Sima daughter of Reb
Baruch Tzvi [Zwi,Cwi] wife of Reb Shevach  May his light shine
Goldstein died ? ? 5661 [1900/1901]……   
 Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A woman beloved...
