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   Jewish Cemeteries - Łódź - 03 left site from the main gate - today
Shemuel  ?
Here lies the young man Shemuel…….
Shemuel ? Her...
The stone on the right - Reb Yehudah Arye Bornsztajn

 [The epitaph is difficult to read]
Yehudah Arye son of Abram HaCohen, died 14 to the month of Tishrei 569? by the abbreviated era
at thd age of 33 
 May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  

The stone on the left - Reb Abram [Avraham] Bornsztajn

A man with excellent manners, praised for his good qualities, feared God all of his days, negotiated with trust, Reb Abram son of Reb Haim [Chaim] HaCohen of blessed memory
died 17 Elul 5690 [10 September 1930]
at the seventy second year of his life
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
The stone on th...
Reb Hersz Budnik
Here lies.
Streams of water will run from my eyes for the death of my beloved father who labored
and toiled in the Torah, was recognized and loved by people, surely he is the respected teacher and rabbi Tzvi son of Reb Simcha Binem
HaCohen of blessed memory, died at the age of 58? years on 13 Tishrei 5681 [25 September 1920]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Reb Hersz Budni...
Here lies Sheraga Feivel?
son of the late Menachem Ubermann, died
at the age of sixty four years on 26 Mar Heshvan  5680 [19 November 1919]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies Shera...
The motif of a tree stump signifies someone who died young. 

The young man Gidaliah son of Reb Mordechai May his light shine 
died at the age of 23 years on 9 Tishrei 5681 [21 September 1920]
 Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
The motif of a ...
Chaja [Chaya] Sure [Sara] Naftalin.
Here lies a respected old woman, she is the beloved Chaja Sure
daughter of Icek of blessed memory died at the age of 75 years on 29 Nisan 5678
[11 April 1918]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Chaja [Chaya] S...
The motif of a tree stump signifies someone who died young.
Basia Jtkin
The motif of a ...
The young woman Fajga Grilak 

? and lamanet the death of a beloved young woman, good and pleasant in her ways
Ms. Fajga Reiza daughter of Reb Haim [Chaim] May his light shine
died at the age of 18 years on 5 Mar Heshvan in the year 5684  [15 October 1923] 
by the abbreviated era 

May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
The young woman...
Małka Frajndlich  

Here lies. Here will find rest a respected and beloved woman, 70 years were the days of her life, her resting place will be in paradise,
Ms. Małka daughter of ? died 3 to the month of Tamuz 567?
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Małka Frajndlic...
Salomea Englowa Engel? maiden Gloger
Salomea Englowa...
Sure [Sara] Braun
Woe! Our crisis is as large as the ocean. Was led to her grave at the age of 35 years, respected and praised for her deeds, 
the God-fearing Mrs. Sure [Sara] daughter of Yehiel Yehudah May his light shine, died on the second day of Passover and was buried on the first intermediate day 5677
[17 Nisan – 9 April 1917] 
May her  soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Sure [Sara] Bra...
Mrs. Hadass Opatowska.

Here lies. Woe our crown has fallen, our glorious light was extinguished, our bitterness is great, a lovely virtues soul was removed from us, her deeds were known in the gates, always extended her hands to the poor and stretched out her palms to the needy, those who entered her home hungry came out satisfied,  this is our righteous mother from a prominent ancestry,   
Hadass daughter of Reb Shlomo Zalman of blessed memory Brin from Zgierz 
died with a good name on 10 Nisan 5677
[2 April 1917] 
 May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Mrs. Hadass Opa...
Here lies ? ? ? Lisek died 26 Kislev 5680?
Here lies ? ? ?...
Chana Riva Szpiro Shapiro.

Here lies an old woman 75 years old, modest, important and beloved, sought righteousness all of her days, Ms. Chana Riva
daughter of Reb Izrael [Israel] 
Yitzchak [Icek] Lubliner 
died 3 Nisan 5677
[26 March 1917]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Chana Riva Szpi...
Here lies 
Gołda Fejdel Reichman.

Here will rest the body of a kind-hearted honest woman, our sun darkened when she died, many will shout bitterly here, honest since his youth, from the time of her death our souls refuse to be comforted, a woman important and modest Mrs.  
Gołda Fejdel daughter of Reb Yosef [Josef] Dow [Dov] of blessed memory Rozensztrauch,
left her orphans on 11 Adar 5677 
[5 March 1917] at 58 year of her life.  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies Goł...