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   Jewish Cemeteries - Łódź - 03 left site from the main gate - today
Reb Eliezer Lipman of blessed memory Rundsztajn.  
Here lies our teacher and rabbi Eliezer/Ljzer Lipman
son of our teacher and rabbi Dow of blessed memory.
Died on 22 to the month of Adar in the year 5675 
[8 March 1915] by the abbreviated era. 
Here is the resting place of our father’s pure soul, the
dwelling of a trustworthy man who obeyed the Torah and
studied God’s Torah days and nights, 
his name
is like ointment* his actions pleasing, his acquaintance
praise him,  
did not remove his eyes, a hidden treasure who respected God. 
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
* A quote from Songs of Song Chapter 1 verse 3.
Reb Eliezer Lip...
On the right side – Here was buried our master teacher and rabbi, the holy
rabbi Rabbi Asher Anshil May the memory of the holy righteous be of a blessing 
in the world to come, Gotsza from Radoszyce [Radoshitz in Yiddish]
-Łódź, son of the righteous rabbi Rabbi Reuven May the memory of the righteous be of a blessing, and son-in-law to the holy rabbi, the righteous of the everlasting foundation,
Rabbi Hillel from Radoszyce May his merit protects us. May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
(The tombstone
On the right si...
Reb Szaja Gerszon.
Here lies a man with a beloved soul, was kind and easy to people,  always
rose early in the morning to go to the synagogue, all of his words were 
words of truth and rightness, loved the place and dressed modestly, was a
famous pious master, our teacher and rabbi Szaja/Yehusua son of Reb
Dow/Dov Gerszon of blessed memory, passed away and went to his world,
died with a good name at the age of 74 years on 3 Nisan 5681
[11 April 1921]  by the abbreviated era.
 May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
Reb Szaja Gersz...
Shemuel? Helman? Son of Reb Shlomo Zalman
Nashelskei one of the respected men from the
city of Łęczyca [Lintshits in Yiddish] 
A man upright and honest, old and full of days, 
reached the age of greatness [eighty] and died at his seven and
eighty [87] year. Passed away and was buried on ? Elul 567?
Shemuel? Helman...
Reb Natan Dow Sztajnhorn. 
Here lies a truthful, upright and honest man, sheltered with the
righteous and the holy, worked hard all of his days to leave behind
him an honest generation and his wish came true. Our teacher
and rabbi Natan Dow son of Reb Chaim Tzvi of blessed memory
died at the age of sixty years on 10 Tishrei 5687 [18 September 1926] 
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Reb Natan Dow S...
The work of Kohanim [Priests]. (Two hands, with four fingers each divided into two sets of two fingers, is the symbol of a priestly blessing — this signifies a Cohen, a descendant of Aaron).
Here lies Reb Baruch Ben-Zion HaCohen Urbach/Orbach
Woe! Put on sacks and mourn bitterly because a pure soul died,
the beloved young man who studied the Torah, wisdom and intelligence
and gathered with the righteous, 31 years old, he is our teacher
Baruch Ben-Zion son of Eliezer Moshe HaCohen May his light shine, grandson
to the genius author of the book “Bigdai Kehunah” (priestly garments)
May the memory of holy the righteous be of a blessing. Died on 17th Sivan
in the year 5674 [11 June 1914] 
by the abbreviated era
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
The work of Koh...
A marker for a beloved soul. A man who achieved a lot
during his life, distinguished in the
Torah and in piety, an expressive author and a splendid advocate,
a respected distinguished merchant, a soul with valued qualities and manners. Reb Chaim/Haim son of Reb Shelomo Zalman
Witkind from Bialystok a native of Shklov, great-grandson of the genius author of
the book “Hemdat Tsevi”. Passed away on the 23rd day of the month of 
Tevet 5672 [13 January 1912] at the seventieth year of
his life. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
A marker for a ...
Here lies Reb Ben-Zion son of Reb Icek/Yitzchak Majerowicz.
Died on the 25th day of Shevat in the year 5672 [13 February 1912]
at the sixtieth year of
his life.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies Reb B...
Here lies R’ Avigdor Fishman. Here will rest a valued man, observed the tradition
and was honest, all who respect him will tell of his praise, his
acquaintances will glorify his name. He is the superior, the respected R’ Avigdor
son of the glorified master R’ Haim Yehiel Michel HaCohen of blessed memory,
son-in-law of the great rabbi Rabbi Yehoshua of blessed memory Gradstein/Grodstein
from Lublin, grandson of the genius the rabbi of all the countries in the Diaspora
Rabbi Akiva Eger* May the memory of the righteous be of a blessing. 
Left life at the choice of his days on the 20th of Elul 5672 [2 September 1912].
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akiva_Eger
Here lies RR...
An acrostic poem spelling the name of the deceased Alexander son of 
Kalonymos of blessed memory (the date of death is not written on the stone)
Reb Sender Poznański.
The angels and the distressed shouted because death climbed to our
window, dropped in our father’s room and carried his soul to the heavens.
Kept the tradition and the religion, did not know deceit his entire life,
traded with honesty, enjoyed the labor of his hands, 
rapture suddenly came to our house and plunder one of the  
best man of our city, young and old will tell of his praise, they will introduce
him as an excellent person and a God-fearing man and will mourn him non-stop,
his merit will protect us for generations. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  Translated by Sara Mages (smages@comcast.net)
An acrostic poe...
Reb Josek/Yosef Guterman.
Here lies a man just and simple, his aim was to serve the community
Reb Josek/Yosef...
Reb Icek [Yitzchak] Kowoski? Here lies an honest modest man,
the famous pious scholar, our teacher and rabbi Icek son of our teacher and rabbi
Dow of blessed memory, died on the first day of Rosh Hashanah 5673 [1 Tishrei – 12 
September 1912]. (the following is an acrostic poem spelling the name of
the deceased Icek son of Dow of blessed memory)
A great mourning. A precious pleasent man, loved righteousness and
was humble, obeyed the commandments and was pious, earned
himself a good name for eternity, dealt in his business with honesty,
of great wisdom and prominent in the Torah, spoke the truth in
his heart all of his days, his memory will be blessed and he will an
advocate to his sons.
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
Reb Icek [Yitzc...
Reb Hershel Langnas  
 son-in-law of R’ Mordechai Gabai of blessed memory.

Here lies. Our glory was taken from us when our crown was removed from
our heads, was honest and attached himself to the righteous, God was his legacy, 
he will rest in peace, surely he is the pious our teacher and rabbi Tzvi [Zwi,Cwi]
son of Reb Yehudah of blessed memory,
died on the first day of the month of Iyar 5673 [8 May 1913]
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
Reb Hershel Lan...
Died on 12 Nisan [30 March 1912] and was buried on 13 of Nisan
in the year 5672 
by the abbreviated era at the three and twenty [23] year of his life.
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net)
Died on 12 Nisa...
Here lies Reb Tuvia Gutman son of Tzvi Tenenbaum.
Died on 15 Tevet 5671 [15 January 1911]
at the age of seventy years.
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life  
 Translated by (smages@comcast.net
Here lies Reb T...